Marco lost 160 Lb. and has maintained that weight loss for over 10 years
After holding thousands of consultations, both privately and for large fitness chains, I can say with absolute surety that there are undeniable patterns at play when it comes to whether or not someone elects to work with a fitness trainer. At the very top of the list is “I’d love to, but I can’t afford it.”
Now granted, if someone does not see the value of working with a pro, then they are not going to invest a dime. They may feel this way because the consultation they received was more of a sales pitch than anything else, but the reality is that ignorance can kill a person. Don’t believe me? Spend a day in a battle field somewhere without training, try to fly a plane, try to fix your own car (without being a mechanic), try to do surgery on yourself… see what I mean?
You think those are extreme examples? How would you like a list of the injuries: strokes, pass outs, calls to 911, the amount of people who quit trying and chronic conditions now in full swing, that all started at a gym; all because an inexperienced person “tried it” on their own.
So you can’t afford a trainer? Well, let’s have a look at what you apparently “can afford.”
Designer coffees
Dinners out
Vacations you can’t afford but put on credit
Weekly hair appointments
Weekly nail appointments
Mani / Pedi
The golf course fees
The huge car you drive that you can’t afford and the gas that it eats
The weekly partying, girls/guys night out
Not making your lunches, buying them instead
Nights out at the movies
I love my wine and my booze. How much is that costing you?
That outfit you just HAD to have.
The “diet” and weight loss supplements you are buying
The shopping spree
The boxed “diet” food you are buying
The cigarettes
The big screen TV
Binge buying at Costco, Best Buy, Guess
Video games
Fad electronics
The list goes on and on…
Truth is you could do away with any one of these if not several and put some money aside to get educated by a fitness pro, but you don’t. You choose not to.
It IS a choice
Are you deifying your kids and buying expensive outfits that they outgrow in weeks?
What about that expensive hobby? Scrapbooking, cars, crafting?
As a man who lost 160 Lb. naturally and has kept it off, let me assure you of this: there is NOT A SINGLE SOLITARY SUPPLEMENT THAT WILL FIX YOUR WEIGHT PROBLEM or help you lose weight properly and long-term. Forget it; It is all a cash grab. You are spending money on shortcuts that do not work.
The truth is that whatever we desire or prioritize the most, we manage to find the money for, or put it on credit, or find a way around getting it. Don’t believe me? Got any debt? What did you spend that money you did not have on?
The truth is we don’t WANT to spend money in the area of hiring a trainer. We would rather spend it on the vices and pleasures above. That and/or we think you can do it ourselves. This is the ONLY area people seem to skimp on. Not car repairs, not medical issues, not renovations, not golf lessons, but as far as the gym goes “I will try it on my own.” As a trainer and award winning fitness consultant I can say this; NOTHING causes someone to leave a gym and give up on their fitness goals more than a lack of results. Why is there a lack of results? Because people in general have no idea what they are doing in the gym. I am not just talking about technique here. I am talking about programming, working around injuries, having a specific program; no, not just a class, though they are great as well. I mean a focused program that is right for each individual.
Bottom line? Everyone wants it, but few are willing to work for it, much less pay for it.
TRUTH IS, you can’t afford NOT to work with a trainer!
Check where your money is going. You may be able to make a few adjustments and at least get started with some potentially injury saving, discouragement preventing advice.
Most of all though, you have to decide that your health, fitness and well-being is THAT important to you. More than the vacations, more than the things we have all spent money we did not have for.
Training and a healthy lifestyle are an essential component of my life and well-being, as it is for anyone pursuing health, fitness and overall wellness. I’ve been physically active for 35 years and still going strong. Pitfalls, discouragement, time restraints, fatigue, injuries have all come and indubitably provided resistance and challenge of a different sort (the weight training challenge is much easier, in comparison). Yes, I get tired of fighting but there really isn’t any other viable option. Settling, complacency and the many consequences that accompany inactivity are things that make me cringe, so I continue to fight the good fight of fitness, much like many of you! I love to eat, I want to look good and I want to feel good in my own skin!
Back To Basics: For me that means hitting the iron! My first priority in training and what helped me to develop my physique was first & foremost, weight training, although that is certainly not exclusive to what I do. A little bit of background: I fell in love with physical fitness through a gymnastics unit in Phys. Ed. class back when I was 10/11 years old (gr. 5, I think), faithfully did T.V aerobics back in the day (It Figures with Charlene Prickett was an inspirational pioneer in her field and a role model), learned to swim in my high school years (prompted by an embarrassing near drowning episode in swim class), began weight training at my local YMCA in my mid-teens after coming across Joe Weider’s fitness magazines and becoming inspired with the beautiful and beautifully sculpted physique of Gladys Portuguese. I incorporated water training in my late teen years, unfortunately due to injuries as a result of ignorance! My competition years provided me with a resurge in desire to push myself to achieve bigger and more specific goals. I gained confidence, learned to perform under pressure and created some impressive and fun routines (with Marco’s help and coaching) and created some highly memorable moments in my history.
Thankfully, I have always been passionate, self-motivated and driven to push my body to “my limits” and to be the best me that I can be. Strong attributes, but there can also be some drawbacks. Yes, passion and determination are required elements to succeed and reach your goals; that is the DNA of a champion, no doubt about it. However, pushing yourself to the max can lead to injuries (especially with aging, insufficient sleep, etc.) and knowing “the fine line” isn’t so easy for those of us who are intent on striving for progress, better, and more.
I have gone through many seasons of training; build, burn, maintenance, etc., amidst also battling the plague of injury, be it knees, shoulders, hamstrings, etc. Trying new activities is fun, it can help push you past a plateau, keeps things interesting, but it can also bring with it a greater chance of injury if you’re not careful (depending on the activity and risk factor involved). I must say, my most favourite, maximized gifts of all-time are usually fitness equipment. Several years ago, Marco presented me with, not one, but two bosu ballsand I’ve had such a fun, creative time learning how to use them to the max. I learned the hard way that the smaller muscles that get challenged as they do with some aspects of bosu training, should be trained more sporadically, and not every day.
I consider myself a master of pushing through and in many cases, not necessarily listening to my body, but instead, training with the motto of “come hell or high water, just do it!” Stubborn persistence can be an admirable trait, but it in some cases, it can be plain, dumb! It can certainly wear down your body and put you in a vulnerable state for injury, and worse, exacerbate injuriesyou may already have and refuse to nurse because “taking time off” or consecutive off days, are simply not an option. Many elite athletes and fitness enthusiasts are faced with this strong drive and determination to achieve which can blur the lines of taking a pass on a workout. I got so good at not making excuses and living the “just do it,” motto and ignoring the constant signs your body tries to clue you into: injuries that won’t go away, or are constantly recurring, fatigue, loss of motivation and joy in doing what you once loved, more susceptible to illness, etc…, and the list goes on…
BACK TO BASICS – WEIGHT TRAINING FOUNDATIONS The fact of the matter is, resistance training transforms bodies more quickly and effectively than anything else! In my own experience, I have found weight training to be the most effective way to sculpt, tone, shape, burn fat and offset the natural decline associated with aging! Did you know that, according to research from the American College of Sports Medicine, many bodily functions start to decline at a rate of 2% after the age of 30, but with exercise, this aging process is slowed down to one half % per year?! As an example, a 90 year old who exercises would have lost only 30% of functional ability compared to a whopping 60% as a non-exerciser. Training with resistance burns a significant amount of calories and increases thermogenesis; the body’s fat burning ability and potential. Lean muscle tissue is metabolically active, burns calories and will transform you into a fat-burning machine. Don’t get me wrong, I am an avid promotor of cross training and mixing it up, but I have discovered that sometimes when you hit a rut, it is definitely a time to reevaluate, and perhaps take things back to your roots; the training that your body responds to most favorably. I still promote mixing it up, but instead, give a higher priority and devote the bulk of your training time to what works most effectively for you. Hands down, for me, that is undoubtedly, weight training! You can achieve simultaneous benefits; a high aerobic/cardio effect simultaneously while building lean tissue. That is the best bang for maximizing your time and results! By combining a countless variety of training methods, (see the Weider Principles article) boredom and stagnation can be completely avoided.
DOES THE RISK OF THIS EXERCISE OUTWEIGH THE BENEFIT? I have come to the realization that as much as I want to keep learning and progressing in fitness, I don’t want to do it at the expense of sustaining an injury. There are few things that beat the feeling of accomplishing a challenge, that’s for sure! Being able to successfully perform strength moves on the bosu was a great thrill for me! The fact of the matter is, injuries take a whole lot longer to heal as you age, as many of you are so acutely aware of, so weigh out the pros and cons carefully.
ARE YOU SLEEP DEPRIVED? Exercising on 5-6 hours of sleep is a challenge at the best of times; toss in some high-intensity and/or high challenging training and you’re just asking for it, so to speak. Your strength is diminished as a result, your immune system is generally weaker, your balance is affected and if you must train, make it a maintenance, lower intensity workout in order to steer clear of injuries, or consider taking a pass. This can be a tough one for constantly sleep deprived moms (I lived it and I know!) so do your best to strike a balance for the season you’re in.
WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO ACHIEVE? If you’re not trying to get into the cirque du soleil, then perhaps that contorted, advanced yoga move shouldn’t be attempted. (Although, yes, admittedly, I would love to nail it, lol!)
LEARNING A NEW “HIGH RISK” SPORT. Is it a good idea to learn gymnastics and take on higher risk sports and associated skills as an adult? Probably not. I would have loved to have been a gymnast but that just wasn’t in the cards for me due to circumstances beyond my control in my childhood. When I daughter was enrolled in a recreational gymnastics course, my passion for the sport was once again ignited when I discovered they were offering a class specifically for adults. I decided to capitalize and signed on. Well, I always knew that gymnastics was ideal for the young athlete and although I wasn’t “old,” per se, and I did learn some great skills, my dream of performing back handsprings and aerials was laid to rest after a slight injury to my back (hey, at least I was smart enough to leave it alone). Downhill skiing is another sport that you may not want to consider embarking on as an adult (yes, I do have a few horror stories in this area as well; sigh). Cross country skiing can be equally as challenging for both a cardiovascular and muscular workout, but alas, the adrenalin falls a bit short, in comparison. Consider this, however; a shoulder tear, or even worse, can be the result of bracing for a fall. Let’s go back and ask ourselves again here, “does the risk outweigh the benefits?”
DO YOU KNOW YOUR LIMITS AND ARE YOU WILLING TO STAY WITHIN THEM? Generally, yes, I’m pretty good about knowing my limits but many people either go way too far or they don’t strive high or hard enough. You want to be able to push yourself in order to continue to make gains, yet remain injury free. Factor in the variables and either go for it, or pull in the reins and hold back if you must, but do continue to strive for progress and gains or maintenance; all of which require work. One incident of perhaps pushing myself too hard comes to mind; several years ago I did the CN tower fund raiser climb and being in my 40’s was intent on continuing to maintain my time of climbing 1,7077 steps in less than 15 minutes as I had done in past years. Well, I did accomplish the task but it took at least 20 minutes for my heart rate to come back down. 😕 But I got a t-shirt… I accomplished my goal and I did it!
ARE YOU SICK? It should go without saying that if you’re ill with a fever, training is not wise. Exercising with a fever does not help you get rid of your fever, but it certainly can further weaken your immune system and keep you sick longer. If it has been consecutive days and you’re going a bit “stir crazy,” perform some brief, light activity such as walking, stretching, or relaxing yoga (not ashtanga yoga). Definitely avoid the “come hell or high-water, I’m going to just do it” motto.
REHAB VS TESTING: Ever had an injury you were in the process of rehabilitating and you then take it upon yourself to “test” it by putting yourself through the exercise or activity that aggravated it, far sooner than you should have, or you simply ignored your sports therapist or trainer’s advice. Ahem (clearing my throat here)… Our instant gratification era can be, in part, to blame as well as our addiction to those ‘feel good’ endorphins, but giving your body adequate time to recover is far better than going at it sooner than you should and prolonging the situation. I’m not saying this is easy, especially for all you (and me) fitness die-hards, but doing so will ensure your rehab time doesn’t double, triple, or even plague you for years to come! Get sound, smart therapy and advice and be sure to follow it to avoid delays and further discouragement! (Yep, I’m sure you guessed it; been there, done that!)
PAST INJURIES: Any injury that you have sustained at one time or another puts you at a disadvantage. It is a weakness that can resurface when you’re in a weakened state or if you push your body to the max. If the injury is sustained in more mature years (30, 40, 50+), greater healing time is required which means a longer layoff. Consider the life-span of an athletic career. There is a very valid reason why football, hockey, baseball players, etc. have a short lived professional career. I have certainly found this to be truth in my own experience. I sustained knee issues in my late teens and have had to be mindful of high impact movements and exercising both moderation and low impact options (cross-training) as a result. This is one big reason I am very adamant in promoting PT (personal training) for teens and those new to exercise. Seek knowledge, invest in yourself and especially in your children, as doing so, will help to ensure you learn how to perform exercises properly and stay injury free from the get-go; hindsight is 20/20 and many who have gone through this harsh route of learning the hard way, will wholeheartedly agree!
DO YOU KNOW ENOUGH TO STOP? When I look back and consider what I used to be like compared to where I am now with respect to implementing this simple strategy, I am leaps and bounds ahead, thanks largely in part to the school of hard knocks. I used to plough through the tweaks and indicators that I had pulled something during a workout. Stubborn persistence is great in the right areas, but implemented wrongly, can hinder and hurt you. I am now at the point of listening cautiously and carefully and taking great heed in this area. The moment I feel something not quite right, I stop immediately and deviate! Cheers to celebrating progress!
IS IT REALLY TRUE? A motivator I once came across on FB comes to mind: It read, “You will never regret a workout.” I have to disagree! I have had more than my fair share of workouts that resulted in injury, and yes, I did ultimately regret the decision to workout that day. Knowing when to take a pass is equally as important as a workout, in some cases. Learning the hard way, as in two steps forward, one step back, is a tough season I went through and I hope, through the information and experiences I have shared, will help you to avoid altogether.
As I finish off this article, Marco asks me, “are you going to listen to your own advice?” Hmm… I ponder, lol. I’m a work in progress and am definitely working on it;-)
Susan Arruda with Marco Girgenti Images by Arsenik Photography, Bernard Clark Photography and CS-I.
It’s two days following her double title wins at the 2009 WBFF World Championships and the newly crowned PRO is still at it.
As the sun kisses the horizon late in the afternoon on this crisp autumn day, Susan Arruda is still pushing herself to the max and finding new limits to conquer. Running uphill backwards while dragging a 20 lb. bag, lunging around the oval track with the occasional sprint, it’s easy to forget that this is a 40 year old mother of two (natural child birth), who juggles a full time job, extra swimming and personal training clients on the side, along with a full time relationship.
Susan has the distinction of 5 consecutive first place finishes in her last four shows as a competitor in the Figure category. How, you may ask? Well, this year she competed in the 35+ and Short Figure Categories at her first WBFF World Championships, won both respective titles and earned her PRO card. In 2008, Susan clinched her third consecutive FAME title by performing what has now been dubbed a “legendary” Figure routine, which incorporated “never before seen strength moves on a Figure stage” on a BOSU™ Ball. That she did so costumed as Wonder Woman® (her favorite childhood superhero), is really no “wonder” at all to the people that know Susan. “Everything’s a workout with you,” her fiancée is fond of saying. You might think that such a fierce competitor would have spent most of her life on stage, but nothing could be further from the truth. Susan decided to “give it a go” by competing in a show at the tender age of 19. Following that, she would be absent from stage competition for 17 years, but not from the competitive stage of life, where we all vie for victory. When I had the chance to interview Susan for this article, I wondered how much of that fitness “persona” would emerge. What I found instead, might come as a surprise to some.
M.G. Obviously, you work very hard at this. Why do you keep training at the intensity you do, if this is not a profession for you?
S.A. Fitness is not a “one day” or seasonal thing for me, it’s a lifestyle. I remain in the same condition pretty much year round, so I don’t really have an “off season”, so to speak. I continue to do this to challenge myself, strive to be the best I can be, and to feel good in my own skin.
M.G. Describe your training these days.
S.A. Dynamic, fast paced and always highly instinctive. I don’t repeat workouts or get stuck in a “must do” number of reps or sets. Many times I will get to the gym and not know what I am going to train until I actually get on the floor. I love to train outdoors with bands, against my own body weight etc… Even though I have a lot of muscle, I do not train with heavy weights anymore.
M.G. Some people might look at a person in your physical condition and think “she’s got it all together”. Would you say that’s true?
S.A. I don’t know if anyone has it all together! (laughs).
M.G. You mean, there have been challenges? (Writer laughs in kind).
S.A. For most of my life I battled low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence and I had major anxiety issues. I know this might be surprising to some, considering the title wins, my appearance etc…
M.G. Did exercise help you to overcome those challenges?
S.A. It did, because it contributed to a sense of accomplishment, which yes, can help with raising someone’s image of self. It also played a strong role in helping to provide respite from dealing with all of my challenges. Sure, you could call it escapism, since that’s what I wanted to do at that point in my life, however it did not solve all my problems. I eventually had to face those challenges head on and it was a terrifying experience for me. When I train, I am in my own world and that time is strictly for me. I don’t socialize at the gym, I am there to train. Even now, training still helps me to keep stress and challenges at bay. I would rather expend energy training, than waste it in being angry or stressed out. It was not always like that for me. I was not a person that was looking forward to her future. In fact, I would go as far to say that I did not want to be on the planet, at all. Thankfully, my faith in God, being with the right man and some positive changes have given me strength and more reason to go on. Now, I can honestly say I have never been happier. The man whom I now share a beautiful relationship with is extremely supportive, but again, it wasn’t always like that for me. I found the courage to leave a damaging marriage and start all over again. It was scary leading up to that moment, but when I made that change, I instantly knew it was the right move for me and I never looked back. Even though I may not be where I want to be, thank God I am not where I used to be. I am flawed, just like everyone else, I heard Marco once say; “you can’t “Photoshop” life,” so true! All I can do is strive to better myself and hopefully help others to do so as well.
M.G. You have two teenage kids. How did the pregnancies affect your training?
S.A. Well, for starters there was severe sleep deprivation. My first child was very alert and not a “sleeper”. Less than one week after giving birth to her, I tried to go back to training, but that did not go very well. I would be up six times per night on a regular basis. I guess you do what needs to be done and somehow I managed that schedule for the better part of four years since my two children were 14 months apart. During that time period, I was lucky if I managed three workouts in a week. For someone who had spent so much time training consistently and intensely for years and hours on end, this marked a major shift. I had to get out of the thinking that if I could not train for two hours, then it would not be worth training at all. I had to come to a realization that something, no matter how little it may have seemed to me, was better than nothing at all.
M.G. How far into your first pregnancy did you train?
S.A. I was in the gym until the night before delivering my first child, doing weights and cardio.
M.G. We have all heard of some women gaining a lot of “baby” weight in their pregnancies. How did you manage to stay in shape during/after your pregnancies?
S.A. I was already fit prior to my pregnancy. I have heard a lot of women say things like “I want to get in shape before I have my baby”, which on many occasions becomes a temporary state, as many times after the delivery, they retain too much weight. I trained hard and was always active, especially at key times such as puberty and in the third trimester of pregnancy, which are hot zones for fat gain. Being in shape prior to the delivery is a key factor in how your body will react to pregnancy. As far as weight gain, though everyone is different, I had set my expectations based on the following loose equation: factoring in the placenta at roughly 5 lbs., an average baby weight of 8 lbs. plus fluids, the common sense estimate for me was a 20 lbs. total gain. I was very keen about not exceeding that number, especially having a petite frame. An extra 5 lbs. would likely be more noticeable on someone my size, than perhaps on someone who is 5 foot 7.
M.G. What advice would you give to women who have kids and full time jobs?
S.A. If you can only find 20 minutes to exercise, then make them 20 quality minutes. Actually, during my second pregnancy, all I had time for would be 10 minutes here and there to follow an exercise video. Even if it’s 15 minutes in the morning and 15 at night, whatever you can do is better than sitting on the couch just thinking about it.
M.G. What’s the question people ask you the most?
S.A. How do I get abs like yours?
M.G. And your answer?
S.A. Well, it’s a loaded question. Let me put it to you this way; let’s suppose I wanted to build a car from scratch. Could you tell me how to do it along with all of the variables involved? What I can say is that I engage the transverse abdominus (TVA) in everything I do, I always lock the core. I incorporate a wide range of exercises to target my abs, but core comes into play in everything I do. Whether you know it or not, your core IS involved in everything you do, from sitting to standing and everything in-between. I do hanging leg raises, which I think are a substantial part of my development in that area. As for crunches, I never load, as I believe that can make your abs protrude.
M.G. You have won several titles and your popularity is growing. What do you hope that “celebrity” will enable you to do?
S.A. I hope to be an inspiration to other women, especially moms; to believe that it is never too late to remain fit for life. I hope to help them understand that it is possible to remain consistent, all natural and perhaps challenge them via my own story. I have a realistic everyday life and I probably deal with a lot of the same issues that other women deal with. It all boils down to how badly you want something. I had to find a way, and sometimes I had to take from other areas in my life to make it happen, I skipped the clubs, the social outings, the whole party scene, but I believe it did payoff.
M.G. Favorite body part to train?
S.A. There have been phases throughout the years. I think that accumulatively, I have probably had “training infatuations” with all the different major body parts at some point. I must say that legs have always been a favorite of mine though.
M.G. What’s next for you?
S.A. Tomorrow morning! (laughs).One day at a time. I can’t see myself doing a lot of shows though, life is pretty full at the moment and I am striving to maintain balance. I did contribute a chapter in a book I am very proud of called… “Starving to be Fat” which is available through Amazon. I am also very excited that my first DVD, “Elite Water Training” is about to be released! It’s a water workout like no other that promises to challenge even the most seasoned athlete. I have recently been named an “Advanced Genetics” Elite Athlete by the company of the same name, which I feel very honored about, since their products are second to none. I would also like to thank the gym that sponsors me, Xtreme Couture, a top notch facility with a no-nonsense training environment. A huge thank you to IFM, which has been so gracious, and Arthur “Arsenik” Kwiatkowski, for the amazing images you see before you.
As we begin another year, resolutions abound and many people are embarking on a new path to better health, but sadly, most of them have no idea what to do in order to be successful and consequently, they will fail. That is not me being negative, it is just a statistical truth that 95% of people who join a gym or commit to an exercise program abandon either within 6 weeks.
Today, I would like to focus on just one thing that is of key importance as you begin or continue your journey. As well, a brief update on the VIP and all access sites.
Numbers are inescapable. We use numbers to grade performance and intelligence from the moment we can read through to university, in total sales figures, in timing of sporting events, the speedometer of our vehicles, and so on. In fact, numbers define many things such as; profit/loss, victory/defeat, progress or stagnation and finally, the scale millions step on to see if they are losing or gaining weight. That number, perhaps most of all, hurts even more than the December credit card bill many are receiving, perhaps even as I write this.
Yesterday as Susan and I shopped, several companies had kiosks out with samples. As I reflected on that today, I realized that the majority of the vendors were all peddling “health” foods. This is no accident; again, given the time of year. One particular package that touted a point system value caught my eye; again, numbers. Now, I believe no company is perfect, there is good and not so good in every entity. However, when a company that models itself as a healthy weight loss solution crosses the line, all bets are off. If a company has the audacity to print something which is questionable at best, on a package to lure someone in, then that company can take the heat when it is challenged. After which, the real question becomes, who should be more ashamed: the company for doing it or the consumer for blindly believing it?
So let me say this about Weight Watchers, and if you have read “Starving to be Fat” and know anything of my background, then you know I am speaking from a position of a 160 lb. permanent personal weight loss experience; they do a great job of motivating people. The support groups are a good place for people to rally around each other and I have always believed that is a powerful tool. As well, they touch on B-Mod (behaviour modification), which is also a key component and the accountability piece (weigh in) can also be productive, or demoralizing, depending on the type of week one had. Having said that, the epic fail is in using a point system as opposed to a nutrition based system for weight loss. Want me to prove it?
Here it is; the shiny “Weight Watchers Granola Original” package I saw yesterday and in the ingredients list, pure poison; a hydrogenated oil, meaning a trans fat, meaning something even Weight Watchers says you should not consume, but there it is, right on the package. Know what else? This is not the only case and this is not the only weight loss company doing it.
So, maybe your scale weight comes down, great, but increase in probability of disease goes up. Would you call that a “win?” In my opinion, points systems belong on coffee cards as rewards, or credit card rewards, not as a fix for weight loss. If you use up your points on cheesecake, does this mean you have been successful on your journey to better health? No, you just lost weight. Is that all you want? If it is, close this window now as I have nothing to offer that would appeal to you.
Susan says that most people want maximum results for minimum effort and these commercial diet programs cater to that market, I agree. I too, want things easy, but that is not the reality of the matter.
Am I “picking” on Weight Watchers? Okay, maybe a bit. However, I could just as easily give you similar examples of questionable, if not outright damaging ingredients from Jenny Craig and any other similar “just eat our food and follow our portions,” system.
What then is my point? There are several, but I have to bring this in for a landing.
IGNORANCE – If we lose that, we lose the fat and get healthy, these are two different things, let me be clear. Losing weight is not necessarily a sign of increased health. Many people who are fighting for their lives are losing weight. You could be losing weight on a program and be nutritionally starving. That is a whole other issue you will be hearing more about from me in the future.
I encourage you again to start reading labels. Know that calories are only a part of the overall weight equation. When it comes to so-called packaged “healthy food,” question EVERYTHING! Food packages are like people, all of the fancy lettering and shiny exterior is designed to appeal to you and draw you in. The real “stuff” comes out when you get to know through reading fine print, the “ingredients,” be these of a food, or of a person, so to speak. Don’t ever make the mistake of buying a new product without first reading the ingredients label!
We appreciate you and hope your year is off to a blessed and healthy start!
In my last article, I wrote about ‘The Only Time I Ever Gained Some Weight Back,’ the article outlined the effects a 16 week, no carb transformation had on me. Today, I’d like to share how cutting refined sugar from my everyday eating has impacted other areas of my life; not just my reduced waistline.
When you get used to living with joint pain or inflammation, you come to a place where you accept it and don’t really notice the symptoms any more… until one day you wake up and they are gone. It is a well documented fact that sugar causes inflammation which is a major factor in a long list of diseases, from cancer and diabetes, to atherosclerosis and digestive disorders. On a personal level, I had pain in my left knee for years, a trigger finger – caused by local swelling from inflammation or scarring of the tendon sheath around the flexor tendons and I also had recurring pain in the lower left side of my back and my left wrist. Since eliminating refined sugar or “simple carbs,” these are all gone!
Again, I want to take you back to my last article and remind you that I am speaking strictly about eliminating refined sugar, the kind you find in almost anything baked, any packaged foods, or meals in restaurants. Yes, it is everywhere. I still have lots of sugar from dates, fruits, etc… but my waist keeps shrinking and I feel stronger now than I did even 10 years ago (I am 49 as I write this article).
Refined sugar is also referred to as a High GI (Glycemic Index) food. My workouts are intense. They are all superset exercises and the HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) in my boxing workouts is extremely punishing. Yet, without any type of “pre workout” supplement, I power through these workouts with no inflammation and my energy comes solely from plant based foods. It amazes me. No “super science made in a lab” concoction. For a pre workout energy boost, I prefer 5-6 medjool dates and 2-3 tablespoons of seeds and my favourite are pumpkin and some coconut water to wash it all down. Alternately, I will juice an entire red beet, a 1-2 inch piece of ginger root with some cilantro and kale. These provide clean energy with nutritional benefits that are almost immeasurable and oh, they taste great by the way!
In the past I would feel a lot of soreness following intense workouts, even when I was younger, which means I should have been able to recover more quickly than at 49. However, since I eliminated refined sugar, that post training soreness has dropped to 90% of what it was. In fact, I train to the absolute max, the kind of max where one more rep could mean the bench press bar landing on my neck, or one more HIIT could mean the heart rate at above 190. The fact that I feel little to no discomfort at all from 24 hours following this type of intense workout astounds me perhaps more than anything else.
I no longer find myself with energy drops throughout the day; the 2:00 p.m. dip etc… I am wide awake and more alert than I have ever been since I replaced refined sugar with foods that have naturally occurring sugar.
In my next article, I will talk a bit more about sugar, as well as the shocking effects I experienced after coming off dairy and then having a 3/4 cup serving of greek yogurt; a darling of the health food industry.
I hope this information helps to inspire you to make healthy lifestyle changes.
Some time ago I made a conscious effort to eliminate all processed sugars from my everyday diet. When I say “diet,” it is not in the commercial sense of the word; I mean it to be defined as my way of eating on a regular basis. I also decided to stave off large quantities of bread, pasta and those types of carbs in general. I have enough “stored energy” in my body and that is what those foods represent and function as – energy.
Sounds like a no carb diet, doesn’t it? The exact thing I have been preaching against and wrote about in my book, “Starving to be Fat.” Years ago, I took a 16 week “transformation” type challenge on for a few reasons:
1) I wanted to see if I had the discipline to do it.
2) As a trainer, I had clients who were trying it.
3) As a fitness consultant I met with many who had tried that lifestyle and failed. So, over the course of this challenge, I ate nothing but chicken, some red meat and fish, only greens, no fruit, no bread, potatoes or any carbs of that sort. No fat to speak of, other than some portioned cashews 3 times per week, maybe some flaxseed oil and enough eggs and egg whites to support a small supermarket.
I trained in the gym 4-5 days a week and wound up doing upwards of 1 hour and 20 minutes of steady state cardio. Fun, huh?
I dropped weight alright and loved the results. So, why did I gain some weight back after I came off that challenge? Now that I have dealt with refined sugar in my life, I have my answer. I never kicked my system’s addiction to refined sugar and that is why programs and diets like that only work short term and they can be harmful as well.
If you read my article “How Marco Continues to Reshape…” (if not, please click here to read it) you will have a general idea of how I eat now. You will also read there that I eat a lot of sugar and fat and that I am dropping weight steadily. So what is the difference between how I live now and that 16-week program? There are a few differences; the sugar and fat are natural, not refined or artificial. Since I dealt with the refined sugar addiction and replaced the refined sugars with natural ones, in a sense I detoxed (big fad word there) my body’s dependency on sugar. Think my diet is boring? If you tried the raw desserts Susan has been creating, you would be astounded. They all taste better than their refined impostors and though they are calorically dense, they carry massive nutritional density. Because they are natural, the body responds differently and you become satiated with less. The urge to gorge is gone, as a result! Everything in moderation, of course. If you eat 3 cups of nuts, organic or not and you are not training to support that kind of eating, you are going to gain weight.
Among other significant damage the diet industry has inflicted is its insistence on pointing primarily to pasta, potatoes, breads and the like, as carbs. However, all vegetables and fruits are carbs as well. So you could say I am eating more carbs now than I ever have.
This sugar addiction is passive. One may not go around “jonesing” for a hit of sugar; it works in the background and hooks you slowly. I can tell you this 100% though; until you wean your body off refined sugar, you will probable never have long term success in your weight loss goals. In my next article, I will talk about the major differences I have noticed, even in relation to training as a result of eliminating refined sugar from my diet.
Confession: Last night Susan and I had a lovely dinner outdoors and had tiramisu, a decadent Italian desert. Sugar indeed! Once in a while, but not a lifestyle… and that makes all the difference in the world.