How To Calculate Your Heart Rate

Heart Rate Calculator

How to calculate heart rate?

The formula used for the heart rate calculation looks like this:

HR = resting_HR + intensity% * (220 - resting_HR - age)

The values you need to input are:

  • resting_HR – your heart rate at rest – it’s best to measure it right after you wake up or after sitting or lying down in a relaxed state for a longer period;
  • intensity% – the intensity of exercise you’re aiming – read on to find out more about heart rate zones;
  • age – your age in years.

What are heart rate zones?

When you start any physical activity, its intensity is soon reflected by your heart rate. The range from a moderate acceleration of your pulse to the maximum capacity is divided into heart rate zones. To put it simply, they are the levels of intensity of your exercise.

If you’re a cyclist, check out the cycling heart rate zone calculator for more precise results.

  • 50 – 60% – Moderate exercise – requires a medium amount of effort.
  • 60 – 70% – Fat burning zone – optimal heart range for burning fatty tissue.
  • 70 – 80% – Aerobic range – intense training, leading to muscle gain and cardiovascular improvement.
  • 80 – 90% – Anaerobic range – very intense training, causing the metabolism to switch to mechanisms producing lactate.
  • 90 – 100% – “Red line” range – maximal effort, that can be sustained only for a short period.

Depending on your goals, you can aim for different ranges of exercise intensity. Calculate the target heart rate and remember to stay hydrated